Month: October 2018

Installing Docker on Linux Mint 19 (tara) or Ubuntu 18.04

Installation is very simple on Linux (Mint or Ubuntu). Follow the official installation steps for community edition through repository method. If using Linux Mint 19 (tara) then instead of using : sudo add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable” use this : sudo add-apt-repository “deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable”

How to setup Virtual box and Raspberry Pi Desktop on Linux

Simulating Raspbian OS (Raspberry Pi OS) on desktop PC is very simple. You just need to download and setup two software. Virtualbox ( Raspberry Pi Desktop OS iso file ( First download and install Virtualbox and then follow the below instructions from article. How to run Raspberry Pi Desktop on Windows or macOS if you

Installing IntelliJ IDEA community edition for Java development

IntelliJ IDEA is the best IDE for Java and Kotlin development. Download the package from the below link.     Installation Instructions Unpack the idea idea-2018.2.4.tar.gz file using the following command: tar -xzf idea-2018.2.4.tar.gz Run from the bin subdirectory.    

Installing Postman in Linux (Ubuntu and Mint)

Postman is a powerful HTTP client for testing web services. Simply download the app from the below link. And follow the install instructions.

Installing support for ESP8266 and ESP32 boards in Arduino IDE

Please first install Arduino IDE (from previous post) and then follow the below steps to enable development of ESP8266 and ESP32 boards. For ESP8266 board: Go to File->Preference->Additional Boards Manager URLs , field and put the below URL. Now go to Tools->Boards->Board Manager and search for esp8266 by esp8266 community and install it. For

Installing Foxit Pdf reader in Linux

Foxit PDF ready is free and powerful. It has the feature of text highlight. Installation is simple. Just download the installation file from the below link and follow the installation instructions.   Please follow the steps below to install Foxit Reader for Linux: • Change to the directory containing the downloaded file (used